Thursday, June 27th, 2024

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Georgia Green Party Qualifies Slate
Anticipates Mounting Ballot Qualified Challenge in 2024
to Genocide, Corruption and Dereliction by Corporate Party Candidates

Yesterday, the Georgia Green Party filed qualifying paperwork for its slate of Presidential Electors, a crucial step towards placing its Presidential nominee on the November ballot. After three decades of facing exclusionary ballot access laws, party officers are cautiously optimistic that  every Georgia voter in 2024 will see the Green slate on their ballots.

In previous years, Georgia Green Party candidates like Jeff Gates in 2000 and John Fortuin in 2020 qualified for the state-wide ballot in special elections, but without party labels, and with no opportunity to secure a ballot line for future elections.

The party faces one final filing deadline to document that the party and its nominee have qualified candidates for presidential elector in at least twenty other states or territories; however the hundred volunteer hours to compile that filing pales in comparison to the cost of mounting a 70,000 signature petition drive for statewide ballot access under the former rule.

The twenty-state rule was created by a reform to Georgia’s ballot access rules signed by the Governor this Spring.  It applies to only the Presidential race and follows a legal battle initiated  in 2012 on behalf of the Georgia Green Party by Cynthia McKinney.  The suit challenged  Georgia’s previous ballot access rules. This new law creates an additional path for any party seeking a ballot line for their Presidential slate.

“The Democrats imposed exclusionary ballot access rules in 1943 to exclude Republicans and Communists from Georgia’s ballot,” noted Hugh Esco, Georgia Green Party Secretary who for six years chaired a multi-partisan coalition seeking to reform those laws. “Now, for the first time in thirty years, we can reach every Georgia voter with ballot-qualified Green candidates.  Our aim is to retain a ballot line for the 2026 statewide elections.”

Since 2000, Green Party nominees have appeared on ballots in 25-45 states.  With Jill Stein as the party’s presumptive nominee, the party’s focus in 2024 is on ending the Zionist Occupation of Palestine, and its genocidal atrocities, particularly in Gaza.  The party has long supported the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions and advocated for a single democratic state, protecting the human and civil rights of all who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

At the state party’s May 18th convention, delegates adopted a new platform plank demanding U.S. compliance with its treaty obligations to prevent genocide, and identified as a priority urging the publication of the Equal Rights Amendment, as having been ratified as the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution.

First the Trump and now the Biden Administration have fought recognition that the ERA has been ratified by the states.  Each Administration used Justice Department attorneys to argue in Federal Courts against litigation seeking to compel the National Archivist to perform her ministerial duty to recognize the ERA’s ratification by 38 states.

In its work on the mechanics of electioneering: turning out the vote, enrolling candidates for future elections, and securing a ballot line for 2026, Georgia Green Party activists intend to press its demands related to the ERA, ending the occupation of Palestine and the siege of Gaza, while advocating for the party’s platform on a wide range of issues.


The Georgia Green Party

Georgia Green Party et al v Kemp
171 F Supp 3d 1340

Dr. Jill Stein

Pick up the phone, Joe.  Publish the ERA!