Nordic Model Now!, “a secular, feminist, grassroots women’s group based in the UK that is campaigning for the abolition of prostitution and related practices (such as lap-dancing, pornography and surrogacy),” reports that the London Egg Bank is placing advertisements for women to donate and/or sell their embryos for the purpose of surrogacy.
The Georgia Green Party supports the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights and endorses in its platform the Draft International Convention for the Abolition of Surrogacy to protect women locally and globally from the exploitative surrogacy industry. The party commits to “protect women in Georgia and globally from the predatory domestic and global surrogacy market and its reliance on the trafficking of impoverished women’s bodies. We urge would-be parents who might have considered surrogacy to consider instead the meaningful contributions they might make as foster or adoptive parents, provided that the conflicting interests of all parties to these family formation practices are ethically and legally protected.”
Neither egg donation nor gestational surrogacy is risk free. Commercial interests exploit the economic desperation of young women as a locus of production for an industry predicted to be worth $34 Billion by 2027. In contrast, our Platform advocates livable wages and financial support for the students they target with these ads.