U.N. Special Rapporteur Asks Questions About “Altruistic Surrogacy” in Greece

The United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Reem Alsalem as Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences. On July 8, 2024, she publicized her communication to the government of Greece regarding her concerns about “altruistic… Continue Reading →

The overseas ballots have been mailed

The overseas ballots have been mailed.  Clock is ticking.  What have you done today, to deliver the vote for the slate of the Georgia Green Party? Have you contributed yet financially to helping us do so?

Jill Stein and Butch Ware on The Breakfast Club, 2024-Sept-12. Jill Stein and Butch Ware on The Breakfast Club, 2024-Sept-12.

Georgia Green Party Prepared to Appeal Judge Malihi Order

Georgia Green Party Prepared to Appeal Judge Malihi Order
Legal options still open to Georgia Green ballot access efforts
Party remains ready to offer ballot qualified opposition to war and genocide

In a series of rulings adverse to the cause of political independence Administrative Law Judge Michael Malihi found reason to support each of the ballot qualification challenges filed by Democrat voters.  Those Democrats seek to deny Georgia voters inclined to vote for Green and independent candidates an opportunity to see their candidates of choice on the Georgia ballot.

Judge Michael Malihi presides over ballot access challenges. Picture Credit: Natrice Miller, AJC Judge Michael Malihi presides over ballot access challenges.
Picture Credit: Natrice Miller, AJC

Among those adverse rulings, in the case Pigg et al vs Carr et al (the Georgia Green Party slate for Presidential Electors), Judge Malihi rejected every contention of challengers but one.  The Court found that the Georgia Green Party is a registered political body in Georgia and is in compliance with respect to how its Conventions were publicized and conducted, and how its slate of candidates for Presidential Electors was qualified.  The Judge found that the one shortcoming was in the party’s ability to document its place on the ballot in twenty other states under a new statute adopted this past Spring.

“One cannot produce documents which do not yet exist”, said Hugh Esco, Secretary of the Georgia Green Party and the sole witness called in the case.  “As our testimony made clear, Secretary Raffensberger has asked us to produce documents, many of which do not need to be filed in other states until up to three weeks after his early deadline for our filing with his office here in Georgia.  This deadline undermines the intention of the General Assembly and the early date imposed serves no compelling governmental interest.”

Party officers were not surprised by the ruling given the limits imposed by the administrative procedures act which prohibit the consideration of Constitutional concerns by Administrative Law Judges.  Judge Malihi’s Initial Order is now sent to the Secretary of State to inform their final determination.

“We hope though that the Secretary’s office will collaborate with us in recognition of the obvious Constitutional issues raised by the early deadline and save us all the trouble of an appeal to Fulton Superior Court,” said Craig Webster, counsel for Georgia Green Party respondents.

— 30 —

Executive Summary and Table of Contents
for Supporting Documents for Georgia Green Party’s  21-2-172(g) Affidavit

Decision of Judge Michael Malihi

Georgia Green Party

Georgia Green Party files ballot access paperwork

Georgia Green Party files ballot access paperwork
ready to offer ballot qualified opposition to war and genocide
while fending off Democrats intent on excluding Jill Stein from the ballot

On Friday, August 23rd, 2024, with a 3:33pm timestamp, the Elections Division accepted a Presidential Elector Nomination Affidavit, signed by Chairwoman Kristin Zebrowski, on behalf of the Georgia Green Party.  This is the first time this

Hugh Esco, party Secretary files with Georgia Elections Division, a ballot access affidavit under state's new 20 state rule, with supporting documentation.  Also pictured are Nicolas Northen (Assistant Deputy Director) and Blake Evans (Director).

new process for getting on the ballot has ever been used in Georgia.  It was created by an act of the most recent term of the Georgia General Assembly.


While preparing for Friday’s filing deadline, the party faced a challenge mounted by Democrat voters seeking to deny Green voters an opportunity to vote for their candidate of choice.  They have raised a shifting array of arguments each intending that the Georgia Green Party not be able to offer Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware as its Presidential Slate to Georgia voters in the upcoming general election.

The Affidavit was delivered, along with 299 pages of supporting documents by Hugh Esco, Secretary of the Party.  As a witness at Thursday’s hearing Esco told the court,

“I think it’s pretty clear that the Assembly wanted to make it possible for new political bodies, new political parties that have some base of support across the nation to participate in our presidential elections.  I think that that’s a good thing and it ought to be applauded.”

Additional pleadings are expected from both parties by noon, Monday.  The Judge has asked for language for his proposed decisions.  He also offered to consider additional arguments related to new issues not previously briefed and new exhibits offered without notice by petitioners.

Blake Evans, Director of the Elections Division told Esco that he expected a determination by the end of next week.

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Photo Credit: Rahul Bali, WABE

Photo Caption: Hugh Esco, party Secretary files with Georgia Elections Division, a ballot access affidavit under state’s new 20 state rule, with supporting documentation. Also pictured are Nicolas Northen (Assistant Deputy Director) and Blake Evans (Director).

Binder of Supporting Documents required by Affidavit.

Photo Credit: Rahul Bali, WABE

Photo Caption: Binder of Supporting Documents required by Affidavit.

Green Party calls Frivolous, Candidate Qualification Challenges Filed on behalf of Biden-aligned SuperPAC

Green Party calls Frivolous, Candidate Qualification Challenges
Filed on behalf of Biden-aligned SuperPAC
Corporate Interests Choose our Candidates
Before Voters Choose our Elected Officials

In a July 12th complaint filed with the Secretary of State of Georgia, Bondurant, Mixon and Elmore, a corporate law firm in Midtown Atlanta, has challenged the qualifications of the Georgia Green Party to nominate candidates for public office, and particularly in the Presidential race. They filed this action on behalf of Craig Louis Pigg, Catherine Smith, and Mary Lou Waymer. A hearing on the matter is expected before the Office of State Administrative Hearings.

“The Clear Choice PAC intends to choose our candidates, and limit voters options before we have an opportunity to choose our elected officials,” said Hugh Esco, Secretary of the Georgia Green Party who for six years chaired the Georgia Voter Choice Coalition. “The corporations have traditionally used the wealth primary for exactly this purpose, and have managed to foreclose policy reforms from within their parties. We know they pitch their sock puppets against one another as a circus to distract voters. Here they seek to also exclude the party we built to represent the interests of working people. And most insulting of all, they fraudulently claim the mantle of democracy as they limit our choices.”

Bondurant, Mixon and Elmore describe themselves as “an elite group of highly-qualified litigators dedicated to winning high-stakes business disputes”. They operate out of a suite of offices on the 39th Floor of One Atlantic Center on Peachtree Street.

Their ballot qualifications challenge relies on the failure of these ‘elite litigators’ to craft an open records request which would elicit the documents they claim do not exist.

Does Donating or Selling Eggs to the Surrogacy Industry Empower Women?

Nordic Model Now!, “a secular, feminist, grassroots women’s group based in the UK that is campaigning for the abolition of prostitution and related practices (such as lap-dancing, pornography and surrogacy),” reports that the London Egg Bank is placing advertisements for… Continue Reading →

Georgia Green Party Qualifies Slate Anticipates Mounting Ballot Qualified Challenge in 2024 to Genocide, Corruption and Dereliction by Corporate Party Candidates

Georgia Green Party Qualifies Slate
Anticipates Mounting Ballot Qualified Challenge in 2024
to Genocide, Corruption and Dereliction by Corporate Party Candidates

Yesterday, the Georgia Green Party filed qualifying paperwork for its slate of Presidential Electors, a crucial step towards placing its Presidential nominee on the November ballot. After three decades of facing exclusionary ballot access laws, party officers are cautiously optimistic that  every Georgia voter in 2024 will see the Green slate on their ballots.

In previous years, Georgia Green Party candidates like Jeff Gates in 2000 and John Fortuin in 2020 qualified for the state-wide ballot in special elections, but without party labels, and with no opportunity to secure a ballot line for future elections.

The party faces one final filing deadline to document that the party and its nominee have qualified candidates for presidential elector in at least twenty other states or territories; however the hundred volunteer hours to compile that filing pales in comparison to the cost of mounting a 70,000 signature petition drive for statewide ballot access under the former rule.

The twenty-state rule was created by a reform to Georgia’s ballot access rules signed by the Governor this Spring.  It applies to only . . .

Hearing on Platform Amendment Proposal to Remove Endorsement of Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights — Jamie Reed

The Georgia Green Party Platform Committee invites the public to attend a hearing Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 4PM Eastern Time on HR02 – Remove Endorsement of Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights, a proposal to amend the platform. The May 18, 2024 Additional Nominating Convention is scheduled to consider all such platform revisions.

The hearing is scheduled for the purpose of taking the testimony of Jamie Reed, who authored the affidavit which instigated an investigation by the Missouri Attorney General of the St. Louis Transgender Clinic where Ms. Reed was employed for four years.  The story broke in the Free Press, (February 2023) which recently (New Years Eve 2023) revisited her narrative with this.

Hearing on Platform Amendment Proposal to Remove Endorsement of Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights — Dr. Heather Brunskell-Evans

Did you miss this? Watch a recording.

The Georgia Green Party Platform Committee invites the public to attend a hearing Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 11 AM Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04) on HR02 – Remove Endorsement of Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights, a proposal to amend the platform. The May 18, 2024 Additional Nominating Convention is scheduled to consider all such platform revisions.

The hearing is scheduled for the purpose of taking the testimony of Heather Brunskell-Evans, a co-author of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights. Dr. Brunskell-Evans’s website is http://www.heather-brunskell-evans.co.uk/.

After Dr. Brunskell-Evans’s opening statement, participants may ask questions. Priority will be given to Georgia Green Party State Committee members, then other party members, then residents of the State of Georgia and then others. You may also submit questions in writing to the Platform Committee.

Additional Nominating Convention, May 18th 2024

Additional Nominating Convention 2024-May-18

Notice is given that Greens from across Georgia are urged to attend the 2024 Nominating Convention of the Georgia Green Party.

We will convene on Saturday, May 18th, at 10am, with plans to ad

journ at 4pm that afternoon. This nominating convention is our opportunity to nominate candidates for public office (including ten vacancies on the state party’s slate for Presidential Electors), elect the party’s internal leadership, consider amendments to the bylaws which have been previously reviewed and amendments to the party Platform.

Green Party members and others registered to participate in the Convention are invited to show up at 9 am to caucus for the purpose of naming delegates from their county to the 2024 Nominating Convention of the Georgia Green Party. This virtual event will be hosted on an online conferencing platform and pre-registration is required.

This meeting will consider nominations for internal party offices, including three two-year seats and five one-year seats on the state committee. The Nominating Convention will also consider proposed amendments to the state party platform and proposed changes to the bylaws as such may have been previously reviewed by the state committee.

Aspiring candidates for partisan public office are urged to reach out to discuss our litigation strategies and how you might participate in this election cycle to open up our ballot access options for future election cycles.

Protecting Our Water: A Georgia Green Party Imperative

Recent news exposing the contamination of Georgia’s water systems with “forever chemicals” is a wake-up call for us all. This issue hits close to home and resonates deeply with our Georgia Green Party platform. Here’s how: Honor the Rights of… Continue Reading →

Candidates for the 2024 Presidential Nomination of the Green Party of the United States

A week before our February 17th, 2024 Nominating Convention, we invited the six candidates recognized by the Presidential Campaign Support Committee “a video statement of five or ten minutes, addressed to Delegates to our state convention.”  We heard back from two campaigns.  To explore what is published for all six candidates, see the links included in the letter we sent a week or so ago to Green Party supporters in Georgia.

To prepare for our Presidential Preference Caucus, Georgia Greens are urged to learn more about our options at the links below.  These are the six candidates who have met, to one degree or another, the minimum thresholds for recognition by the Presidential Campaign Support Committee of the Green Party of the United States as candidates seeking seeking the Green Party’s Presidential nomination. In alphabetical order by last name, they are:

The ballot access coordinator for the Jill Stein campaign reached out to the party to discuss efforts to place Dr. Stein on the Georgia ballot in 2024.  He urged us to search the web for any number of video interviews which their candidate has given on a wide number of outlets.

Jorge Zavala sent us a link to the 2m19s video embedded at the Read More link.

Source: Jorge Zavala, candidate for the 2024 Presidential Nomination of the Green Party of the United States


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