Do you want to make sure you never miss an announcement from the Georgia Green Party?
The best way to receive announcements from the Georgia Green Party is to join the party and get on its member email distribution list.
But we’ve all missed important e-mails before, and sometimes these e-mails get placed in the Bulk or Spam folders. So you may want to make sure you increase your chance of seeing important announcements by connecting with the Georgia Green Party on one or more of the following channels:
At this time, in addition to announcements, the party distributes news items of interest to Greens via Facebook and Twitter. So if you are looking for less frequent messages, use one of the other channels. Facebook (and some other social media platforms) has a reputation for shadow-banning political content. Subscribing or following our feed on facebook may not be sufficient. If you are not seeing our content, please consider these facebook configuration options described by our party treasurer who reports: “So I changed some settings, and now I like my feed better.”
Please note that e-mail remains the official organ for the distribution of meeting notices required by the rules of the party. We try to, but make no promises that we will consistently propagate such notices through the social media channels listed above. We urge Greens in Georgia who want to find notices of opportunities to participate with our internal decision making processes to subscribe to our email lists.