At the May 18, 2024 Georgia Green Party Additional Nominating Convention, the delegates approved the following amendments to the platform.

Ensure US Compliance with its Obligations to Prevent Genocide
In light of (1) the acknowledgement by the International Court of Justice that a ‘plausible genocide’ is being conducted by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people, particularly with respect to its actions in Gaza, and (2) our nation’s obligation as a signatory to the ” Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” (signed: 1948-December-11; ratified by the US Senate: 1988-November-25); the Georgia Green Party demands of the federal government of the United States, that it:

  • add to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, compiled by the Secretary of State, the State of Israel;
  • take immediate and serious steps to end Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people by ending all military and other aid to the Israeli government, particularly by ending the transfer, by whatever means or description, of weapons and munitions directly or through intermediaries to the Israeli government
  • immediately repeal Title III, related to ‘Funding Limitations for United Nations Relief and Works Agency’ of HR-2882, entitled “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024”, signed by the President on 2024-March-23, as Public Law 118-47, so US tax dollars can contribute to relieving the suffering funded out of our pockets
  • take whatever steps are necessary to lift the siege of Gaza;
  • expel the Israeli ambassador and diplomatic mission to the United States and close their embassy and consulates in our nation;
  • recall our own nation’s ambassador and diplomatic mission from Israel, closing our embassy and any consulates operated by our nation for the purpose of conducting diplomatic relations with Israel;
  • open and staff an embassy for the conduct of diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority, appointing an Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority;
  • oppose the Abraham Accords, including the investments of US assets and resources or through other diplomatic means to encourage normalization of relations between Israel and its regional neighbors;
  • end all forms of diplomatic, military, security and commercial cooperation with the Israeli regime;
  • reverse any U.S. policies which seek to impose on our global neighbors efforts to shackle their governments or populations with respect to their relationship with the regime occupying Palestine or to regulate participation in campaigns of boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel or of nations that support and cooperate with Israel;
  • prosecute as mercenaries, US nationals who participate in the military or security forces of a foreign state which utilizes terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity, human rights abuses or genocide to advance their interests.

Implement and Ratify the International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries
Offered an opportunity to govern, the Georgia Greens would submit to the U.S. Senate, an opportunity to ratify the International Convention1 Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries. We pledge to take steps to criminalize, fully prosecute and extradite those committing offenses as defined by the Convention. For purposes of US domestic law, we would expand the Convention’s definition of mercenary to include the participation by US citizens or residents with a foreign nation’s military or security forces, even in the absence of a demonstration of private gain as a motivation, where those nations are deemed to be state sponsors of terrorism, or guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, human rights abuses or genocide. We would also work to include private military companies in the definition of mercenary. Acknowledging that the United Nations has recognized mercenaries as outlaws, a Green government will not risk the peace which may exist between nations by extending to mercenaries the diplomatic protection of the nation otherwise enjoyed by other US nationals traveling abroad on legitimate business.

Older planks in the platform include:

Support an End to the Occupation of the Palestinian People and Palestinian Lands
Our position must support the quest for peace with justice. In order to achieve such a goal, we make the following recommendations: (a) halting of any further settlement development in the Palestinian territories; (b) rolling back of present settler communities; (c) the creation of a one secular, democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis throughout Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital; (d) a sustained campaign to educate both sides of each other’s language, heritage, and plight; (e) equitable access for Palestinians to Israeli educational institutions; (f) during the transition, the removal of the apartheid wall, checkpoints and other mechanisms which violate the right of Palestinians to the facilitation of commerce and free movement of the labor force aimed at raising the standard of living of the Palestinian People. We acknowledge the disproportionate level of violence in this conflict exerted by the Israeli state. Consistent with this we see a specific role for the Israeli state in halting such aggression so as to positively influence the potential for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. We support the just demands of the Palestinian solidary movement for boycott of, divestment from and sanctions of Israeli institutions. Specifically, we join the call for the termination of the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange. This program was set up in the early 90’s with the cooperation of the state of Georgia with the purpose of operating as a type of law enforcement exchange or study abroad for current Police Officers with their counterparts in Israel. We call for the repeal of Georgia SB 327, which requires that companies or individuals contracting with the state not engage in activities related to the boycott of Israel. We oppose the use of the advisory definition of antisemitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Specifically, we advocate repeal of HB-30 from the 2023-24 Georgia Legislative Session.