Excerpts from a resolution passed at the 2024 Additional Nominating Convention of the Georgia Green Party regarding publication of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA):

Whereas, the national platform of the Green Party of the United States has for years supported the ‘three-state-strategy’ for the final ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment; and

Whereas, first the Trump and now the Biden Administrations have actively obstructed action by the National Archivists to perform their duty (1 U.S. Code 106b) to publish ‘forthwith’ in the Federal Register their finding that the requirements of Article V., of the U.S. Constitution, for its amendment have been satisfied; and

Whereas, on January 27th, 2020, the Commonwealth of Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment submitted to the states on March 22nd, 1972; and

Whereas, Equal Means Equal which led efforts in the three-state-strategy to secure the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in Nevada, Illinois and Virginia has now launched at FinalImpact.org, its demand to “Make the Call, Joe! Publish the ERA”;

Resolved, that the officers and state committee of the party are instructed to collaborate with EqualMeansEqual to advance its Final Impact! campaign, demanding the publication of the Equal Rights Amendment.