Abandon Harris quartersheet Do Not Vote Trump, Do Not Vote Harris, Do Not Vote Genocide. Vote Jill Stein, Rudolph Ware.

Two days ago, a two-plus decade long supporter of our efforts to build a new political party in Georgia called me with a great deal of anger and fear for another Trump administration to argue that ‘now is not the time’ for us to put at risk the chances for the Party of Genocide to retain the White House.

Yet, every election cycle is an opportunity to build political power independent of the corporate duopoly parties.  Any election cycle not used for that purpose is wasted and sets back whatever progress we have made in previous election cycles.  To demur at this time is to shrink from the challenge put before us.  No one else will build this party but us.

When we registered on May 8th, 1996 with the Secretary of State as a political organization in Georgia, we said in our registration statement that our Party “is being organized to provide an electoral tool for the grassroots movement for social justice, peace and non-violence, participatory democracy and ecological sustainability”.  In this year, the movement for peace and opposed to genocide has rallied around the campaign we mount as a vehicle vital to the expression of their political aspirations for this country.  It would be a tragic abdication were we, at this late date, to withdraw from the field, to decline to participate or to deny the peace movement an opportunity to use the party we have built as a vehicle for their efforts.

We are hearing from the muslim supporters of our campaign that this is a time for sacrifice; that the sacrifices we are asked to make pale in comparison to the sacrifices being endured by our neighbors in Gaza and Palestine, in Syria and Libya and Yemen.  They are urging us to take the risks demanded by our desire for change.  We are listening as muslim advocates for the the Stein-Ware 2024 campaign push back against the bullying by democrats who express entitlement to our votes, reminding our communities that now is the time that we must play the long-game.

If our muslim neighbors are willing to risk another Trump administration, with its muslim bans and moving the US embassy to the contested city of Jerusalem and the heightened islamophobic rhetoric, certainly we can share that risk.  Solidarity requires that we overcome the fear, that we share the sacrifice, that we face threats together.

And ultimately we can push back against the blue team’s bully tactics with a show stopping question of our own:  what evil could possibly be greater than genocide?

The following was authored by a coastal Texan active with the Abandon Harris campaign.

Is Trump really worse?

In August 2024, just DAYS after Kamala announced she was running for President, the State Department, under Biden/Kamala, announced that the U.S. had approved another $20 billion weapons package to Israel to kill more innocent children and elders, to be sent to Isreal over the next 3-5 years

Again… how much of this money could be used here in America for homelessness, healthcare, education, and more domestically?


‼️Kamala is in office as VP and just announced she’s running for President and has no influence over her own President and state department, and somehow expects to influence others after the election…

If she wants us to vote for her, influence her own President to overturn this before the election

‼️ Listen to the hypocrisy in Kamala’s speech at the Presidential debate

“Hamas, a terrorist organization, slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. Many of them young people who were simply attending a concert. Women were horribly raped…*.

Compared to when she followed within minutes with…
“far too many innocent Palestinians have been KILLED” …

In which case

1) she had no mention of the numbers…let’s do the math…I believe 30,000+ far exceeds 1200 based on what I learned in kindergarten so I would expect the shock and awe to be around the larger #… and let’s not even start with the Hannibal Directive that was issued which caused who knows how many of the 1200 Isreali deaths…

(May God have mercy on all those who have been martyred on all sides, as not a single civilian death is acceptable)

2) She had no mention of murdered or slaughtered or bombed when she referred to the Palestinian deaths in her speech, whereas minutes earlier she personally chose to use the word “slaughtered’ in reference to the Israeli deaths (God have mercy on all)

3) No mention of proven rape of Palestinian prisoners, while she chose to emphasize the unfounded allegations of Israelis who were as she said “horribly raped”


‼️At the DNC, Kamala and the Democratic party chose NOT to give equal rights to a Palestinian to speak while they allowed an Israeli to speak


On top of that…

‼️ In Dec 2023, Biden bypassed Congress twice to sell arms to Isreal (which Israel paid for with the annual $3.8 Billion in aid we’ve been sending every year)…

Had Trump done this, we would have all gone wild saying there was a fascist dictator in office but we stayed quiet since Biden was a Democrat


While in Congress, Senator Bernie Sanders resolution to investigate bombing

In March 2024 Biden banned UNRWA funding, UN’s main Palestinian relief agency…


While yet Congress members fought to overturn this…

Senator Van Hollen calls to reinstate UNRWA funding

Senator Bernie Sanders call to restore UNRWA funding

Democrat President Obama, just as he was leaving office, signed an MOU granting “Israel $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade, the largest such aid package in U.S. history, under landmark agreement”


‼️*Obama averaged a bomb 💣 EVERY 20 MINUTES* in 2016 while he was President

‼️We don’t say a word when Dems cause evil, and then when the Republicans do it, we yell and scream…

I definitely hate Trump and have always, but after learning about the hypocrisy of the Democrats in the executive branch (not necessarily the case with Congress etc), I’m having trouble seeing what makes them “the lesser of 2 evils” when the evils are as horrible as they are…

“whoever slays a soul… it is as though he slew all mankind” Quran 5:32