For Immediate Release
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
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Georgia Green Party files ballot access paperwork
ready to offer ballot qualified opposition to war and genocide
while fending off Democrats intent on excluding Jill Stein from the ballot
On Friday, August 23rd, 2024, with a 3:33pm timestamp, the Elections Division accepted a Presidential Elector Nomination Affidavit, signed by Chairwoman Kristin Zebrowski, on behalf of the Georgia Green Party. This is the first time this

Hugh Esco, party Secretary files with Georgia Elections Division, a ballot access affidavit under state’s new 20 state rule, with supporting documentation. Also pictured are Nicolas Northen (Assistant Deputy Director) and Blake Evans (Director).
new process for getting on the ballot has ever been used in Georgia. It was created by an act of the most recent term of the Georgia General Assembly.
While preparing for Friday’s filing deadline, the party faced a challenge mounted by Democrat voters seeking to deny Green voters an opportunity to vote for their candidate of choice. They have raised a shifting array of arguments each intending that the Georgia Green Party not be able to offer Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware as its Presidential Slate to Georgia voters in the upcoming general election.
The Affidavit was delivered, along with 299 pages of supporting documents by Hugh Esco, Secretary of the Party. As a witness at Thursday’s hearing Esco told the court,
“I think it’s pretty clear that the Assembly wanted to make it possible for new political bodies, new political parties that have some base of support across the nation to participate in our presidential elections. I think that that’s a good thing and it ought to be applauded.”
Additional pleadings are expected from both parties by noon, Monday. The Judge has asked for language for his proposed decisions. He also offered to consider additional arguments related to new issues not previously briefed and new exhibits offered without notice by petitioners.
Blake Evans, Director of the Elections Division told Esco that he expected a determination by the end of next week.
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Binder of Supporting Documents required by Affidavit.