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What the Latest Bipartisan Prison Reform Gets Wrong and Why It Matters

Georgia was one of the first places in the US, at the beginning of Governor Deal’s administration, to embrace what has come to be know as “bipartisan prison reform.”  In the Obama and now the Trump administration, it’s gone national…. Continue Reading →

Maynard Jackson Netflix Movie Muddles Black Politics, Mangles Black History

For a politician’s biography, the Sam Pollard documentary currently available on Netflix, which recounts the life and career of Maynard Jackson, the first of Atlanta’s six consecutive black mayors, is remarkably free of politics. But when you think about it, this should… Continue Reading →

Hip Hop Forges Black and Native American Solidarity

Kyle Mays, who teaches at the African American Studies Department and the Native American Center at UCLA, says Hip Hop “builds solidarity between the two communities,” which share a complex history of slavery, displacement and state violence. Mays is author… Continue Reading →

US-Funded Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists

Short-sighted U.S. foreign policy that backs jihadists in the Middle East and neo-Nazis in Ukraine is once again blowing back on the United States, as Max Blumenthal explains. FBI: Azov Battalion Trained Rise Above Movement By Max Blumenthal Last month,… Continue Reading →

Black Milwaukee: What Happens When Democrats Abuse Their Base

Milwaukee WI leads the nation’s cities in the percentage of African Americans it incarcerates. Although the city votes reliably Democratic in every election, voter turnout for the 2016 was far lower than expected.  This Is Hell’s Chuck Mertz interviews Malaika… Continue Reading →

Trump Threatens to Shoot Migrants Fleeing US-Fueled Violence and Instability

November 4, 2018 While Donald Trump deploys troops to the Mexico border and orders them to shoot immigrants who throw rocks, many people in this migrant caravan in fact already fled US government-fueled violence in Central America. Eduardo García discusses… Continue Reading →

Midterm Results: the War Party Rules

There is no doubt who won the midterm elections: the War Party, which for generations has been virtually unopposed in the US. “Democrats gave a wink and a nod to the military industrial complex by remaining silent on the question… Continue Reading →

Election Clearly Stolen from Georgia Voters

Greens welcome Abrams stand for election integrity, concerned for scope Green candidate documents cronyism in Kemp’s mismanagement of Georgia elections “This election was clearly stolen from the Georgia voters, in a campaign of a thousand cuts and involving at least… Continue Reading →

Yes on B — allow non profits serving mentally disabled to leverage anticipated federal tax credits to secure private sector financing for construction and renovations

Statewide Referendum B Provides a tax exemption for certain homes for the mentally disabled. Controlling legislation: HB-196 * HB-196-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of passage without obfuscation? Yes. Who would benefit… Continue Reading →

No on A — reject effort to deny Atlanta residents notice, hearing for millage rate increases

Statewide Referendum A — Urging a NO vote Provides for a homestead exemption for residents of certain municipal corporations. Controlling Legislation: HB-820 * HB-820-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of passage without… Continue Reading →

Yes on Five — facilitate SPLOST for educational purposes in counties with multiple school districts

2018_ballot_questions_yes_on_5 CA #5 — Urging a YES vote Authorizes Fair Allocation of Sales Tax Proceeds to County and City School Districts Constitutional Amendment: SR-95 * SR-95-AP Enabling Legislation: implementation will be by local school boards Does the ballot question and… Continue Reading →

No on Four — protect presumption of innocence, juvenile process, reject dangerous intrusion by corporations into criminal proceedings

CA #4 — Urging a NO vote Provides rights for victims of crime in the judicial process. Constitutional Amendment: SR-146 * SR-146-AP Enabling Legislation:  none identified Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of… Continue Reading →

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