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Georgia Green Party Statement on Protests in Iran

Printer-friendly version Approved by the Quick Decision Council of the Coordinating Committee on November 30, 2022 The Georgia Green Party expresses its support for people-centered liberation movements which respect the human rights of women and ethnic and religious minorities in… Continue Reading →

Growing Up Targeted: the Expose COINTELPRO Education Series

Growing Up Targeted

The Georgia Green Party is a founding member of the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition to pass HR-2998.

This event features a panel including the now grown children of former political prisoners Fulani Sunni-Ali (may she be well rewarded for her many contributions) and Georgia resident, Baba Bilal Sunni-Ali who survived Sr. Fulani’s untimely death, perhaps six or eight years ago now. Sr. Fulani for many years co-hosted with Sulaiman Mahdi, (who was himself a founding member of the Georgia Green Party, may he too be long remembered and well rewarded), a weekly program on Radio Free Georgia (WRFG-89.3FM).

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this event. Use this link to RSVP your intentions and to register with the zoom platform for connection credentials.

Georgia Green Party 2022 Additional Annual Meeting, September 23rd and 24th

Notice is given of, and Greens from across Georgia are urged to gather for, the 2022 Additional Annual Convention of the Georgia Green Party. We will convene on Friday, September 23rd, at 7pm for two hours; then again on Saturday, September 24th at 10am, with plans to adjourn at 4pm that afternoon. Please ignore notice of an earlier August date for this event.  The July 17th meeting of the state committee were agreed to roll back the dates to allow more time for platform work in advance of this annual opportunity to amend the state party’s governing policy document. Green Party members and others registered to participate in the Convention are invited to schedule at one hour intervals, opportunities for Greens from their counties to caucus for the purpose of naming delegates from their county to the additional Annual Convention for 2020 of the Georgia Green Party. This virtual event will be hosted on an online conferencing platform and pre-registration is required.

This meeting will consider nominations for internal party offices, including eight two year seats and two one year seats on the state committee, plus two two year seats on the state party’s Delegation on National Green Party Affairs. The Annual Meeting will also consider proposed amendments to the state party platform and proposed changes to the bylaws as such may have been previously reviewed by the state committee.

In March of this year, our slate of two candidates for the Georgia General Assembly qualified with the Secretary of State. They are busy finalizing their ballot access petitioning efforts to secure their place on the ballot. Bradley Smith in Georgia 106th District and Jimmy Cooper from Georgia’s 145th District are each expected to attend. Party officers remain eager to speak with you about opportunities to run in subsequent election cycles for public office in your community as well.

Georgia Green Party condemns corruption of Biden Administration and State Department to overturn the democratic will of the citizens of Pakistan


At its state committee meeting on April 17th, the Georgia Green Party “condemn(ed) as despicable, the actions of the Biden Administration to interfere in the democratically elected government of yet another sovereign nation. . . . (and) calls on Congress to investigate the corrupt practices of the Biden Administration and its State Department to overturn the democratic will of the citizens of Pakistan to form their own government and to pursue public policies in the best interests of the Pakistani people.”

Mr. Khan continues to enjoy widespread popular support and is now campaigning to expose the U.S. financed corruption which led to the no-confidence vote and restore to his coalition government.

In the midst of the Ramadan fast, Imran Khan, Member of Parliament recently ousted
as Prime Minister in a U.S. State Department financed coup, has drawn crowds of millions
at political rallies held after taraweeh prayers observed late at night during the Muslim fast.

Georgia Green Party endorses BLM Joint Statement on Ukraine

The state committee of the party has agreed to endorse the Black Liberation Movement Joint Statement on Ukraine.

US War Record -- 6m dead, no sanctions

Ms. Binta:

Ramadan Mubarak. I pray this finds you and your family doing well.

It is my privilege to report, that on a conference call of its state committee, held this evening, April 2nd, 2022, the Georgia Green Party was agreed, without objection, and with one member standing aside, to endorse the Black Liberation Movement Joint Statement on Ukraine. We do so with a single caveat that our existing platform gives us no authority to speak in support of ‘universal childcare’, but that otherwise the foreign and domestic policy aims advanced by this statement are well within the framework of the existing policy of the party. Further, the historical analysis of this paper is in keeping with our perspective on the U.S. imperial aggression driving this conflict with potential nuclear consequences.

Thank you for this initiative by the NBLM National Unity Initiative.

In your publicity, please identify our support as:

Georgia Green Party
Kweku Lumumba and David Josue, co-chairs

Please be sure to advise us of how we might support the promotion of this statement and the policy goals it outlines.

Yours sincerely,
— Hugh Esco, Secretary
Georgia Green Party



Expose the Lies: a webinar hosted by the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition to Pass HR-2998

Register now at:

Expose tthe Lies: a webinar hosted by the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition to Pass HR-2998 Expose tthe Lies: a webinar hosted by the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition to Pass HR-2998[/caption]

Today those labeled by the FBI as Black Identity Extremists, face threats much as did yesterday’s Martin, Malcolm, and the political prisoners of the Black Liberation and Anti-War Movements.

You are invited to join a 90 minute webinar “Expose The Lies”’ on March 25th, 7:30 pm Eastern Daylight time., sponsored by the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition to pass HR-2998.

Millions of pages document the disruption, lies, murder, surveillance and harassment by U.S. law enforcement of Constitutionally protected community organizing. Like the murder of Breonna Taylor, a Louisville paramedic shot in her bed or George Floyd, a loving father in Minneapolis who could not breathe, none of us are safe.

Register for this event at

Russian & Ukraine Conversation: A black perspective with Robin Harris and David Josue

Here Robin Harris of the Florida Green Party, and cochair of the party’s National Black Caucus interviews Georgia Green Party co-chairman David Josue.  For further information be sure to checkout materials being posted regularly on the state party’s profile on… Continue Reading →

Support HR-2998: Release the COINTELPRO Papers

The FBI’s COINTELPRO remains one of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history. For decades, the FBI carried out covert actions and dirty tricks against social movements. COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) included among the program’s many targets, organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the anti-Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr, as well as local, state, and federal elected officials.

There’s a bill in Congress that will open up the FBI’s files.  HR 2998 would require full, public release of the FBI’s COINTELPRO files. This historic bill is an important step to reconciling with the FBI’s continued legacy of undemocratic abuses of power.

Please help us make history and expose FBI dirty tricks. Please write your member of Congress today to ask them to support this bill and to support efforts to broaden it to cover the full scope of FBI files.

National Black Caucus Supports Freedom Convoy and Black Truckers

The Green Party of the United States Black Caucus (GP-BC) has announced its support for the Freedom Convoy, an educational effort to help the public learn more about vaccine mandates and the best way to respond to government overreach.

Georgia Green Party Stands with Haitian Workers at SONAPI

On the 10th of February, women were brutally attacked by the police for daring to ask for better working conditions and a liveable wage. During two consecutive days, the National Society of Industrial Parks (SONAPI) brutally responded to a crowd of predominantly female workers because of their demand of 1,500 Haitian Gourdes ($14.53 USD) for a full day of work. The current salary is 550 Haitian gourdes ($5.33 USD) for a twelve hour work day. That is about .60 cents an hour. The workers were demanding less than $2.00 USD an hour, when they were met with live ammunition from the Haitian National Police (PNH) under the command of Frantz Elbé.We were happy to learn from journalist Herve Noel that citizen Minalda Pierre from Building 51 in DMS at SONAPI isn’t dead, but we are awaiting an update on the condition of her unborn baby.

Georgia Green Party 2022 Nominating Convention, February 19th

Notice is given of, and Greens from across Georgia are urged to gather for, the 2022 Nominating Convention of the Georgia Green Party. We will convene on Saturday, February 19th, at 10am, with plans to adjourn at 4pm that afternoon. Greens from unorganized counties are urged to gather at 9:30 am to caucus to name their delegates to the state convention. This virtual event will be hosted on an online conferencing platform and pre-registration is required.

This meeting will consider nominations for partisan offices and endorsements for non-partisan offices, as well as proposed amendments to the state party platform.

Coalition Launches Support for HR-2998 — The COINTELPRO Bill would Compel Full Disclosure

(Washington D.C., January 17, 2022) On this King Day holiday, over 30 organizations and individuals announce the formation of a wide coalition to offer critical support for HR-2998, the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Act. The bill, introduced in the House by Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill, 1st), in May 2021, has been co-signed by twenty-four members of Congress. The bill was assigned to the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and concurrently to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Coalition partners will initially prioritize urging Congressional Representatives to join the list of cosponsors.

COINTELPRO refers to a directive of J. Edgar Hoover, who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1924 to1972. The program remained an active operation from 1957 to 1971. As a 1967 memo put it, the program was intended “to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of Black nationalist, hate-type organizations and their groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership and supporters, and to counter their propensity for violence and civil disorder.

In practice, neither hate and violence nor even criminal activity were necessary to attract the attention of Hoover’s FBI. This operation built on his work as an FBI agent dating back to the Palmer Raids during World War I and the persecution of the United Negro Improvement Association, including the deportation of its leader, Marcus Garvey, whom Hoover would later acknowledge had broken no federal laws. Hoover had spent his early days at the Bureau building an index of community organizers who opposed US foreign and domestic policies.

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