Statewide Referendum B Provides a tax exemption for certain homes for the mentally disabled. Controlling legislation: HB-196 * HB-196-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of passage without obfuscation? Yes. Who would benefit… Continue Reading →
Statewide Referendum A — Urging a NO vote Provides for a homestead exemption for residents of certain municipal corporations. Controlling Legislation: HB-820 * HB-820-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of passage without… Continue Reading →
2018_ballot_questions_yes_on_5 CA #5 — Urging a YES vote Authorizes Fair Allocation of Sales Tax Proceeds to County and City School Districts Constitutional Amendment: SR-95 * SR-95-AP Enabling Legislation: implementation will be by local school boards Does the ballot question and… Continue Reading →
CA #4 — Urging a NO vote Provides rights for victims of crime in the judicial process. Constitutional Amendment: SR-146 * SR-146-AP Enabling Legislation: none identified Does the ballot question and measure name accurately and fully reflect the effect of… Continue Reading →
CA #3 — Urging a NO vote Encourage the conservation, sustainability, and longevity of Georgia’s working forests through tax subclassification and grants. Constitutional Amendment: HR-51 * HR-51-AP Enabling Legislation: HB-85 * HB-85-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately… Continue Reading →
CA #2 — Urging a NO vote Creates a state-wide business court to lower costs, enhance efficiency, and promote predictable judicial outcomes. Constitutional Amendment: HR-993 * HR-993-AP Enabling Legislation: HB-185 * HB-185-SCS (Senate Committee Substitute) Does the ballot question and… Continue Reading →
CA #1 — Urging a NO vote Creates the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund to protect water quality, wildlife habitat and parks Constitutional Amendment: HR-238 * HR-238-AP (pdf) Enabling Legislation: HB-332 * HB-332-AP (pdf) Does the ballot question and measure… Continue Reading →
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