The Georgia Green Party intends to build a democratic membership based organization with the capacity to contest in our communities, state and nation for the political power necessary to implement a Green vision for a just, peaceful and sustainable future… Continue Reading →
Adam Proctor, host of the Dead Pundit Society podcast examines the real calculations behind the Silicon valley billionaires and libertarians pushing a Universal Basic Income. Turns out that some of them want to substitute a meager UBI for actual wage… Continue Reading →
What about a guaranteed income floor for everybody, with no work requirement tied to it? If this sounds like pie in the sky when you die, think again. The Canadian province of Ontario already has a guaranteed basic income pilot… Continue Reading →
Pyongyang is not crazy by ANDREW DOBBS Check out our follow up piece here. Less than three months into Pres. Donald Trump’s reign we can already say that there is a non-trivial chance that the United States will soon be engaged… Continue Reading →
By Rachel Gray, Cobb Greens & Friends Georgia Greens March Against Unethical, Anti-Science Experiments on Food Supply, Ecosystems and Public Health It is no longer enough for nature enthusiasts, activities and scientists to be environmentally friendly. Our Green-focused families, sustainable… Continue Reading →
By Rachel Gray, Cobb Greens & Friends It might shock some Georgians to learn that they live, work and pay taxes in a country where the top 1% of our national citizenry owns almost 40% of the country’s wealth. Unlike these… Continue Reading →
Members of the Georgia Green Party, from Savannah to Atlanta, gathered at the Capitol Building, alongside Common Cause Georgia as part of Citizen’s Lobby Day. People from all walks of life joined together for one common purpose — to fix the… Continue Reading →
By Rachel Gray, Cobb Greens & Friends Different administration, same poison. That’s the overwhelming feeling many environmental activists and Green Party progressives are facing as they once again hit the streets to fight against a president’s pro-business (at any cost) policy… Continue Reading →
An open letter to members and friend of the GA Green Party about our present status and the tasks before us from Bruce Dixon, co-chair GA Greens. Saturday, April 22 Members and friends of the GA Green Party, We‘ve got… Continue Reading →
The Georgia Green Party will hold its 2017 annual meeting at the conference center of Georgia Perimeter College at 495 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston Georgia Saturday June 17th from 9 am till 3 PM, doors open at 8:30. Jill… Continue Reading →
by Ann Garrison A top scientist in weaponry and the physics of explosions at the nation’s foremost institution of technology says the chemical event that the U.S. used as a pretext to attack Syria could not have happened the way… Continue Reading →
By Dan Arel Gentrification is a fact of life in capitalist America. As long as the only value stable working class neighborhoods possess is the value which can be realized by flipping the real estate, expelling the residents and replacing… Continue Reading →
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