CA #3 — Urging a NO vote Encourage the conservation, sustainability, and longevity of Georgia’s working forests through tax subclassification and grants. Constitutional Amendment: HR-51 * HR-51-AP Enabling Legislation: HB-85 * HB-85-AP Does the ballot question and measure name accurately… Continue Reading →
CA #2 — Urging a NO vote Creates a state-wide business court to lower costs, enhance efficiency, and promote predictable judicial outcomes. Constitutional Amendment: HR-993 * HR-993-AP Enabling Legislation: HB-185 * HB-185-SCS (Senate Committee Substitute) Does the ballot question and… Continue Reading →
CA #1 — Urging a NO vote Creates the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund to protect water quality, wildlife habitat and parks Constitutional Amendment: HR-238 * HR-238-AP (pdf) Enabling Legislation: HB-332 * HB-332-AP (pdf) Does the ballot question and measure… Continue Reading →
Please help us spread the word. You can print the Summary of the Georgia Green Party’s Recommendations on the 2018 Ballot Questions front and back, then cut them in half to get two leaflets per sheet you print. The democratic… Continue Reading →
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, July 2nd, 2018 For further information, contact: Bruce Dixon, 404-797-2087 Delegate, chair, Georgia Green Party Qadija Tatum-Aamir, 912-517-6655 Delegate, Georgia Green Party Preston Thacker, 817-456-3765 Alternate, Georgia Green Party Hugh Esco, 912-571-1833 Secretary, Georgia Green Party… Continue Reading →
We got petitions ready to go. We are ready for you to step up and create a public face for the Georgia Green Party in your community. With your help, Green Party candidates can get on the Georgia ballot in… Continue Reading →
At the start of the August congressional recess, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he will introduce a senate bill this September “to expand Medicare to cover all Americans.” Since the election, the movement for improved Medicare for all, has been urging Sanders… Continue Reading →
For decades, the American people have been repeatedly told by their government and corporate-run media that acts of war ordered by their president have been largely motivated by the need to counter acts of aggression or oppression by “evil dictators.”… Continue Reading →
Dr. Margaret Flowers, the Maryland Green Party’s 2016 candidate for US Senate says that Medicare For All is coming. She explains some areas where the Sanders Medicare For All bill falls short compared to the House version, HR 676. The… Continue Reading →
Today, my peers are silent. By Maj. Danny Sjursen Iraq War veteran Mike Prysner is arrested by U.S. Capitol Police during a 2007 protest. Credit:/CreativeCommons/DannyHammontree But they’ve been taught the way to do it Like Christian soldiers; not with haste… Continue Reading →
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