Author Bruce Dixon

To Sen. Sanders: We Cannot Begin From A Position Of Compromise

At the start of the August congressional recess, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he will introduce a senate bill this September “to expand Medicare to cover all Americans.” Since the election, the movement for improved Medicare for all, has been urging Sanders… Continue Reading →

US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of World’s Dictatorships

For decades, the American people have been repeatedly told by their government and corporate-run media that acts of war ordered by their president have been largely motivated by the need to counter acts of aggression or oppression by “evil dictators.”… Continue Reading →

Grassroots Pressure is Responsible For Bernie Sanders Single Payer Bill

Dr. Margaret Flowers, the Maryland Green Party’s 2016 candidate for US Senate says that Medicare For All is coming. She explains some areas where the Sanders Medicare For All bill falls short compared to the House version, HR 676. The… Continue Reading →

Where Are the Brave Military Voices Against Forever War?

Today, my peers are silent. By Maj. Danny Sjursen Iraq War veteran Mike Prysner is arrested by U.S. Capitol Police during a 2007 protest. Credit:/CreativeCommons/DannyHammontree But they’ve been taught the way to do it Like Christian soldiers; not with haste… Continue Reading →

Universal Basic Income: A Good Idea? Or a Right Wing Trojan Horse?

Adam Proctor, host of the Dead Pundit Society podcast examines the real calculations behind the Silicon valley billionaires and libertarians pushing a Universal Basic Income. Turns out that some of them want to substitute a meager UBI for actual wage… Continue Reading →

Dekalb County GP Meeting Features Presentation on Universal Basic Income

What about a guaranteed income floor for everybody, with no work requirement tied to it?  If this sounds like pie in the sky when you die, think again. The Canadian province of Ontario already has a guaranteed basic income pilot… Continue Reading →

A Lot of What You Know About Korea is Racist Nonsense

Pyongyang is not crazy by ANDREW DOBBS Check out our follow up piece here. Less than three months into Pres. Donald Trump’s reign we can already say that there is a non-trivial chance that the United States will soon be engaged… Continue Reading →

Building the Greens Into A Sustainable Mass-Based Party of the Left

An open letter to members and friend of the GA Green Party about our present status and the tasks before us from Bruce Dixon, co-chair GA Greens. Saturday, April 22 Members and friends of the GA Green Party, We‘ve got… Continue Reading →


The Georgia Green Party will hold its 2017 annual meeting at the conference center of Georgia Perimeter College at 495 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston Georgia Saturday June 17th from 9 am till 3 PM, doors open at 8:30.  Jill… Continue Reading →

MIT Professor Says Top U.S. Officials Fabricated Intelligence to Justify Attacking Syria

by Ann Garrison A top scientist in weaponry and the physics of explosions at the nation’s foremost institution of technology says the chemical event that the U.S. used as a pretext to attack Syria could not have happened the way… Continue Reading →

How Gentrification is Killing US Cities and Black Lives

By Dan Arel Gentrification is a fact of life in capitalist America.  As long as the only value stable working class neighborhoods possess is the value which can be realized by flipping the real estate, expelling the residents and replacing… Continue Reading →

Bernie Sanders: Company Man

By Paul Street After his unsuccessful run for president, during which Bernie Sanders failed to challenge rampant vote theft and irregularities in primary elections from New York to California, he endorsed Hillary Clinton and re-joined the dismal dollar Democrats.  Now… Continue Reading →

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