by Paul Buchheit Despite ever mounting evidence to the contrary, corporate media and corporate-bought politicians continue to proclaim the superiority of charter schools. Meanwhile, “nearly 2,500 charter schools closed their doors from 2001 to 2013, leaving over a quarter million… Continue Reading →
by SREĆKO HORVAT Originally published at CounterPunch Oct 3, 2016 When the ruling class is in panic, their first reaction is to hide the panic. They react out of cynicism: when their masks are revealed, instead of running around naked, they… Continue Reading →
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon An utterly cynical and deceptively marketed constitutional amendment is on the ballot in Georgia. It’s called the “Opportunity School District” because it’s about creating business opportunities for the charter school sugar daddies who… Continue Reading →
By Doug Martin at Hoosier School Heist Blog, and Diane Ravitch Originally published at in July 2015 Last week the American Federation of Teachers endorsed Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy, without consulting more than a token slice of the union’s… Continue Reading →
By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon Atlanta’s black former school superintendent and 34 other black teachers and administrators have been indicted for “racketeering” in a cheating scandal. Why aren’t others like former DC Schools chancellor Michelle Rhee and her… Continue Reading →
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon Disaster capitalism is the manufacture of phony “crises” to divert government revenue directly to banksters and sell government assets off to privatizing looters. City government in Detroit, and the school system in suburban… Continue Reading →
By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon A key role in the elite drive to privatize public education is being played by privately owned school “accreditation” agencies, which are immune from public scrutiny, and under the absolute thrall of pro-privatization… Continue Reading →
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon Originally published at Black Agenda Report on April 22, 2015 Should we be wondering if the prosecution of cheating Atlanta teachers for racketeering was racist? Or should black parents and educators be leading… Continue Reading →
Presidential debates do as much to illustrate corporate media priorities as they do to showcase the candidates. They provide a snapshot into what the media, in this case represented by NBC’s Lester Holt, prioritizes as issues worthy of discussion. A… Continue Reading →
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